I'm having a fucking writer's block! I can't believe this.
Can we just all agree that this space here is filled with a witty, funny but heartbreakingly accurate analysis on the phenomenon we call "having a crush on someone"?
No? Oh well. You'll just settle with anything I come up with? Suit yourselves.

Right. So, I have a crush. (No, two. Um, make that three. Shit.)

It's like your eyes get glued to someone and everything they do seems funny/smart/cute. Doesn't matter if they're scratching their ass (if it's a man, he will be sooner or later). Every time they smile at you, you smile back like a total retard. And God help you if he looks into your eyes longer than a second you should be sitting down `cos your knees feel like spaghetti. Before you know it, you act like some stalker without even knowing it. I mean, of course you want to know as much as possible about the guy, but come on. Some things are best left unknown.
Personally, I've been blown off so many times that every time I catch myself developing some kind of feelings for some bloke I panic. Things run throuhg my head and still I can't stop it. It`s like running away from a fucking train.
"What does he think about me?"
"Is he seeing someone?"
"Why did I wear this old sweater..."
"Oh look at them gorgeous eyes..."
And, most importantly,
"Goddammit here we go again!"

It`s very confusing,having that warm and fuzzy feeling normally associated with having a crush,and at the same time being scared shitless of being rejected.Plus,it`s kind of awkward when you know you couldn`t hide your feelings if your life depended on it. Good new is,it doesn`t. Me, I`ve always been like that. And I`ve paid for it in tears over the years. Gallons of them.